December 4, 2007

Preparing For Hibernation.

It's not even officially wintertime, but it's already so cold and snowy outside that I'm thinking I may not leave my apartment until spring. And so I'm stocking up the cupboards and the freezer, and creating a line of communication with the outside world. But so far, this blog is about as effective a communication tool as a lone tin can attached to a piece of string...and I'm not sure I want to add another tin can. We shall see. Perhaps someone will discover this blog and save me from my indecision by connecting another tin to the piece of string. Stranger things have happened.


Chris Benjamin said...

aha, you've been discovered.

Terry Border said...

It'll be Spring soon. Almost time to wake up.

Ronzig the Wizard said...

It was nice meeting you the other day. The comments on my blog don’t seem to be publishing so I posted your comment and my reply directly on the site.

As to your problem with completing your written assignment, let me offer some advice. I have found that procrastination when facing a daunting task can be overcome by breaking the chore into bite size pieces. I try to make it a daily practice to make a little progress on each of my projects in the knowledge that if I follow a regimen of attempting to advance them one step at a time they will eventually reach completion. Try making a practice of starting each day by adding a paragraph or a chapter to your work and you will be amazed how soon your project will be completed.

I agree Melissa that the majority of our citizens do view this as a horrifying occurrence, but you are mistaken in your belief that this was an isolated incidence and that brutality towards us is not a daily fact of life on the streets. As I state in my post today, I and friends of mine have been subjected to brutality far too many times for it not to be both condoned and encouraged from the highest levels of authority.
Your comments about the motivation of this brutality are very insightful. I believe that the fear you mention is rooted in a subconscious awareness that they could end up there themselves. The uncertainty of their own secure position in the social hierarchy can be terrifying to people who are all to aware of their own inadequacies.
You may be right about the potential backlash that I risk in making people aware that there is a very real danger that a more violent response to this brutality is inevitable if the authorities continue to refuse to deal with the situation in a meaningful manner. But as you state they refuse to recognize the problem and I fear that until they do and take appropriate action, violence is inevitable. When defenseless individuals are subjected to brutality on a daily basis they will eventually gather together in self defense and strike back.
When armed police threaten, beat, commit arson and attempt murder on an ongoing basis with no official attempt to constrain the situation, I fear the outcome is inevitable.