March 19, 2008

How funny, two people added tin cans to my piece of string, and I didn't even notice.  

Fortunately the tag-line of this blog isn't terribly accurate.  I am because I am, not because I blog. 

As it turned out, I really haven't left my apartment all that much over the last few months, choosing instead to plant myself in front of the computer in a valiant attempt to finish the paper that is keeping me from earning my degree.  I've probably spent a good two months of that time (probably more) aimlessly surfing the internet.  In case there was any question, I am a far better procrastinator than a paper-writer.

But now that the deadline (the new deadline) of April 30th is fast approaching, I find my need to procrastinate vanishing, and I am finally intently focused on schoolwork.  Most of the time anyway--this blogging that I'm doing at the moment is definitely a form of procrastination.

Anyway, I'm not sure how either of you found it, but thanks Chris and Terry for finding my blog and dropping me a note.  In my quest for online procrastinating, I have found your blogs incredibly helpful.  : )

I may surface again with more blogging in the post-April-30th future, but for now, it's time to return the nose to the ol' grindstone.

December 4, 2007

Preparing For Hibernation.

It's not even officially wintertime, but it's already so cold and snowy outside that I'm thinking I may not leave my apartment until spring. And so I'm stocking up the cupboards and the freezer, and creating a line of communication with the outside world. But so far, this blog is about as effective a communication tool as a lone tin can attached to a piece of string...and I'm not sure I want to add another tin can. We shall see. Perhaps someone will discover this blog and save me from my indecision by connecting another tin to the piece of string. Stranger things have happened.

December 1, 2005

This is a test.